The following essay is in audio form on YouTube and here
I first encountered a book on
this topic, Aaron James book “Assholes” on mainstream
bookshelves, it is sold everywhere. Its a good light reading book,
with two incredibly important takeaways that I wanted to elaborate
on. “Asshole” is a distinctively Western term and Westerners
understand its meaning clearly. There is much to be said about these
two takeaways.
Aaron James defines the asshole as one that
believes he can operate by a different set of rules than everyone
else. He explains that masculine word is “asshole” and the
feminine is “bitch”. “Asshole” and “bitch” have the same
meaning, but here I will use the masculine sense, else some of those
Rockefeller Feminist bitches might complain that I am discriminating
against women by focusing this essay on bitches rather than assholes.
I am safe from the censors if I stick to assholes because assholes
are men.
You have to be careful about what you say because there are a lot of assholes that don't think others deserve the right of free speech, although they themselves cannot possibly believe that their own words should ever be censored. Ideals trump reason and rationality in a world run by assholes.
In my experience there are two fundamentally different types of assholes, but they are both assholes for the same reason. There is the arrested development kind of asshole who does not or cannot think beyond punishment and reward in terms of moral conduct and explanations for this lie outside the scope of this essay and are generally well understood. There is the second kind of asshole, the kind with power.
Assholes Of The Second Kind.
I think there are three important observations to be made with the asshole of the second kind. The Republic Of Plato states that secret societies exist to take something away from everyone else and that war is fought for money. The book is 2500 years old but as true today as it was back then. There are universal truths in political science.
The removal of narcissism as a personality disorder from the Diagnostics and Statistics Manual (DSM) in psychiatry has allowed this kind of asshole to proliferate rather than be treated or somehow retarded from having jobs that may involve rational moral thinking of a higher order, I will explain Kohlberg's Stages Of Moral Development in a few moments.
If you are going to talk about assholes in the context of society at large, the topic of the law profession inevitably becomes a key component of the conversation. In Canada, I am sure that the law profession encourages assholism and I can prove this beyond any reasonable doubt, but this is not the topic of this essay.
The very first science was the science of jurisprudence of Rome. The very word “law” implies universality. Law, whether physical, mathematical or moral is universal. In the case of Western law it's basis is universal law, and its essential purpose is to protect you and me from assholes rather than protect an ideological agenda of the powers that be such as in purely statutory systems. The word asshole is essentially a scientific term and not a term of art due to its strict definition.
As a science, it stands up well over time. Its initial precept has not changed in 2000 years, whereas physics has undergone changes in its precepts, first the work of Newton and now Maxwell's and Noethers. Only math and moral law have not had their basic precepts changed - math and the universal law are both accepted rational truths. The very idea of the asshole is as a-priori as the shortest distance between two points being a straight line.
Laws require statutes. Statutes are written with law in mind, statutes make the judgment less dependent on the judge and shorten the time that would otherwise be taken by deducing verdict strictly from first principles. This is the great Roman Justinian innovation to fight corruption, the judgment being made less dependent on the judge, who may be an asshole. It's also worth noting that if engineers deduced everything from first principles we would still be dependent on steam engines. A modern fair system must have many laws but too many laws can lead to statutory abuse.
Statutes need to be regulated and the common law, or the idea of universal law regulates courts to prevent statutory abuse. This is the great innovation of Christianity above other forms of purely statutory religions. Christianity is revolutionary rather than evolutionary when compared to other well known religions in the West in that it is regulative, not constitutive. It regulates statutes so that we are not abused by assholes. Statutes are pictures of this horse, the common law is the actual horse. Statutes, ideally, are ideal expressions of the common law but we don't live in an ideal world.
The great Original Writ of Western Jurisprudence is universal law, sometimes referred to as natural law, but there are faults with every expression, so it is also called the “unwritten law” or the Great Unwritten Writ in books about theoretical jurisprudence.
This natural law has been expressed in many ways, the Greek Golden Rule, The single commandment of the New Testament, the Roman “Right of self”, and in Kant's three successive categorical imperatives. I cannot see why “don't be an asshole” could not be a modern expression of this common law, this precept that is necessary for a science, in this case the science of jurisprudence. Imagine if those words were carved in stone on every courthouse and had lawful force and effect.
Like math having counting and the shortest distance between two points being a straight line is enough to know to be able to deduce all of math, the ideal of “don't be an asshole”could be a precept for the purely rational science of jurisprudence, but the single commandment of the New Testament is written in stone and has served the West well and essentially says the same thing.
Christianity has the concept of Original Sin, no law can be perfect and applied jurisprudence is filled with practical difficulties as anyone who has watched Judge Judy can attest.
The science of law knows a lot about assholes, but statutory regulators do not always know a lot about law, and in many cases they are assholes. People always vote for the lessor of the assholes currently running for office rather than run for office themselves and people tend to vote for highly qualified assholes rather than less qualified non assholes. We worship experts rather than good, honest and hardworking people.
There is always the kind of asshole that puts himself into a position of having to serve two masters (the people and the financial institutions). People fall into corruption and power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. To be protected from assholes we must have other assholes in power, its the central argument for anarchy.
Its the original sin. No man can be a moral ideal. We know what is right and wrong, but every single one of us steps in dog shit once in a while. We live in an empirical world. Satan rules the empirical world, Christ rules in the rational world with the precept of universal law. He states that he is not of this world in the New Covenant.
I believe that assholes grew in great numbers when countries allowed private banks to print their money, and made the countries go bankrupt. Elected governments must operate within parameters set by banks and serve the public at the same time. No man can serve two masters, so everyone that tries must be an asshole to some degree. Alan Greenspan explains the power of the banks on YouTube. We live in a world full of assholes because the world is run by private money interests with great concentrations of power, and therefore great concentrations of corruption, and powerful assholes.
Christ himself threw the money changers out of the temple. One does not mix water, the law of man, with wine, the law of reason which gets better with age, unless necessary and money changers do not belong in a place of reasoned law.
Assholes are often sorry they ever became assholes. Imagine if you were walking in a field with dog shit all over the place. If you could never wipe your shoe, would you worry about stepping in it? Probably not because you know it will eventually happen and that shit will stick to your shoe and you can't get it off. So you give up and end up tracking it all over the place. Forgiveness is a necessary part of a good society and a key aspect of Christianity, it lets us wipe off our shoes and always try not to be assholes. The expression “oh well, I'm going to hell anyway” just makes you another asshole in Christianity.
There are three kinds of societies according to Kant, the juristic, the despotic and the ethical society. Kant states succintly, in Metaphysics of Morals, “No one would want to live in an ethical society”. The juristic society has its laws regulated by the common law which creates the science of jurisprudence, hence juristic society. The despotic society is the anarchist society where there are no laws to protect people from assholes that have power. It is a transitional state as society switches from ethical base to juristic, or from juristic to ethical as we are currently experiencing this slow change as ideologies seem to trump what most people think of as common sense.
Ethics is an art because it isn't universal and doesn't have precepts from which a science depends. An ethical system is a system run by men rather than principles. The artist may paint the tree is such a way as its colors please the viewers of the painting. An artist can paint a picture of a tree from a picture of a tree ad infinitum, eventually the painted tree no longer has the essential characteristics of a tree because it loses it's reference to the actual tree. The scientist must draw the tree as it truly is or face sharp criticism.
There is always the dangers of assholes taking power in an ethical society because ethical societies cannot be regulated by the common law. It's precepts come from the hopes, dreams and aspirations of its ruling classes, ideologies, rather than universal principles. It is one law for them another for us. It is asshole law and the people will demand an ethical society citing all of the negatives of the juristic society and without knowing the basis, nature and real history of the juristic society, other than that told by assholes of the second kind that run our society.
There is no yardstick from which to define evil in an ethical society. Evil is as what opposes the agenda that defines the ethic. The agenda changes and the ethic changes along with it.
Assholes have killed more than one hundred million people in the previous century alone and there are always new assholes saying they are smarter than the assholes of history and they will not have to be assholes like the ones of history, such as the ones behind the “Great Leap Forward” or the “New Soviet”, agenda's that killed tens of millions of people who were Christians and therefore had a yardstick from which to clearly identify assholes. There will always be newer and better assholes of the second kind because power creates them and they will always be threatened by Christianity.
History is often recognized as a great big lie, a lie of omission told by assholes. Its not what these assholes say, but what they do not say that allows beliefs and opinions to be molded to the needs of assholes in power. Lies of omission are much less easily detected than lies of commission. Most people know nothing about the Bolshevik Revolution or Great Leap Forward or the many other communist revolutions in the world during the last century because mainstream history is a series of lies of omission rather than commission, and they are written by assholes to serve the needs of the assholes in power rather than the truth.
Assholes of the First Kind.
Blackstone's commentary on English law uses the word “mean” in place of “stupid”, back then stupidity and meanness were almost synonyms.
Morality was taught but sometimes not well understood by the stupid. Now we have educated assholes of the first kind because the education system does not include enough moral education to match the level of power they attain from the practice of the sciences.
C. S. Lewis explains that people in our scientific society study advanced topics and ideas but do not have the moral education required to understand the larger issues that go with their power and influence. This creates what he calls “clever devils”.
Being famous used to denote fame for some great moral act.
Assholes of the second kind deliberately create a retarded development in society to create the assholes of the first kind that will accept a society run by assholes of the second kind. Many simply do not care, or believe they have no power when all the power lies in their own willingness to accept responsibility, not only with votes but with wallet as well. This first kind of asshole operates only from immediate self interest, not long term, and expects those around him to do the same, and expects to be ruled by assholes of the second kind.
One hundred years ago we would have recognized the disadvantage of allowing corporations to export know-how and productive capacities. People would buy things made by their relatives, friends and neighbors. Now we all buy things made by foreign slaves in ethical systems of government run by assholes of the second kind for the short term benefit of cost savings. We worship comfort rather than the good as our highest ideal. Rousseau explains that comfort is one of the great corruptors of mankind. Comfort makes us weak and stupid and we export the power of the people when we export productivity. People losing power leads to people being ruled by assholes.
In political and historical discussions we forget the great standard of truth, the cross examination. That which cannot stand up to cross examination cannot be said to be true. Censorship prevents cross examinations. The scientific method is for the physical sciences and is really nothing more than a physical cross examination of hypothesis by experiment, thought experiments or actual physical ones. Its the gold standard of proof initially brought to us by the Roman jurists.
The concept of evidence also came from the Romans and modern man does not understand what the word “evidence” actually means. Hearsay and media evidence is not actual evidence unless backed by physical evidence. There is in fact no reason to believe that airplanes struck anywhere on 9-11 simply because there is no physical evidence to back this assertion. There is every reason to expect a preponderance of physical evidence if airplanes were in fact involved. If one does not know what evidence is, how can one form a credible opinion on anything?
John Locke once said that the reason for conflict is lack of communication. The defense of ideologies at the expense of universal law requires censorship and therefore increases the possibility of conflict in principle. One can only look at the behavior of those pushing for an ethical society to see how censorship and even violence are used to quash contrary viewpoints. One can be arrested now for expressing contrary viewpoints to “accepted narratives” or challenging establishment ideals. Its likely that I will face censorship for describing Rockefeller Feminist bitches, and perhaps not even from the Rockefeller Feminist bitches themselves but from some other asshole.
Communication is the tool intelligent people use to resolve conflict. Understanding reduces conflict and can only occur with communication. The better and greater the communication, the less chance for conflict. Communication is often restricted by assholes to foment conflict, divide people and create a society more easily led by assholes of the second kind.
Having a valid opinion requires knowledge of both sides of an argument. To have a valid opinion means you believe you can win a debate and for that you have to know your opponents view and why it is wrong, and why he believes it to be true. You can only get this by listening, not by censorship. What do you know that he doesn't? What does he know that you do not? Common ground is achieved with communication. People having common ground gives them defense from assholes of the second kind.
Now people are simply programmed and the modern university educated people have no idea about anything called a juristic society or healthy debate, or really anything that could credibly challenge their programmed views. Education and media programming are designed and created by the assholes of the second kind.
They will stand and cheer for a more ethical society, they will stand and cheer as new more powerful assholes take power and the former assholes that were regulated by scientific jurisprudence disappear, or are executed.
A dumbed down publicly educated and media educated citizen does not understand basic principles of truth, and therefore can be easily regulated with simple propaganda created by assholes. This propaganda takes the form of lies by omission rather than commission as well as ideas that get planted into the subconscious mind in movies created by the assholes of Hollywood. This is a very simple and very powerful technique of propaganda.
Watch almost any movie that involves assholes of the first kind as it's antagonist. They are almost always visibly Christians. This gets people hating Christianity at the subconscious level and then later looking at facts that add up to historical lies of omission written by assholes that reinforce their opinion that is ultimately based on feeling rather than fact.
Kohlberg Stages of Moral Development.
Kohlberg's stages of moral development is a simple, well respected and well known idea. There are hundreds of short five minute explanations for this three stage explanation of moral development on YouTube. Each stage contains part (a) and part (b), some call it six stages. I'm going to explain this concept in a simplified three stage form to better match the context of this essay. Readers are strongly encouraged to watch a few of the many YouTube videos on this topic done by experts.
In stage one we have the people pleasing level. The child seeks only to please those around them and please himself, obedience and self interest are the key words in identifying this first stage.
Social pressure can be quite powerful, we all conform against our better judgment to some degree and politicians operate from pressure from the electorate as well as pressure to conform to long term ethical agendas from the assholes of the second kind.
They are representatives and therefore vote on behalf of the represented. The squeaky wheel gets oiled. This is how Western Democracy works and its maintenance must fall on the citizen if authority and responsibility are to remain balanced. There is no other way for a democracy to work.
The politician can work at stage one and often does so willingly and knowingly. Pleasing your supporters defines the responsibilities associated with the job, because in reality the politicians only quantifiable responsibility is to get himself re-elected. Doing the right thing gets you negative media coverage from assholes and reduced chances of being re-elected.
Somehow, in the media, politicians that were the lesser assholes were made out to be total assholes and the total assholes were portrayed as non assholes. People stopped watching and participating in the system sensing that they were being lied to by assholes. The system became over run by assholes who were really just working in the interest of other bigger and more powerful assholes who run banks and corporations.
Public education policy changed and the responsibility of participating in and maintaining a democracy was no longer taught. People began to think of themselves as merely driftwood floating in a sea of assholes.
Many people now operate professionally at stage one of the stages of moral development. We are becoming a society of assholes of the first kind, and this society is run by assholes of the second kind. You can bet that in hell there is a preponderance of assholes and we are well on our way there.
In stage two there is the recognition for rules. Society must have laws to exist and people should follow those laws for the good of society. This is called the “conventional level” of moral development and moral development ceases at this point for many, maybe even most people.
In stage three, the post conventional stage, there is the recognition that no law can be truly universal. Universal principles trump written law. Fewer people reach this stage of abstract reasoning and this level of reasoning is required to truly understand both Christianity and the science of Western Jurisprudence.
Christianity has the disadvantage of a low cognitive availability because it is not about simple rule following such as the case with other statutory religions. Christian concepts such as Original Sin, The Trinity and the concept of forgiveness have been deduced from logic and reason and they can be justified rather than merely accepted as another rule created by powerful and illustrious assholes.
The Catholics did not only play a key role in the development of modern science but deduced these rational moral concepts from the concept of universal law as preached by Christ in the New Covenant, just as mathematicians created calculus from arithmetic and the basic precepts of Euclidean geometry.
Assholes in power have painted the Catholics as evil with selective propaganda and lies of omission because the Catholics and Protestant Christians have the cognitive tools to identify assholes and therefore must be brainwashed to hate their own religion, or be dumbed down or destroyed to impede opposition that assholes of the second kind may otherwise face.
The word “asshole” is a uniquely Western word because the West has a system of laws and of internal ethics that essentially follows universal law. The Western consciousness is essentially Christian and Christianity gives us the universal law in written form so that it cannot be changed or restated to serve the needs of assholes in powerful positions. For the most part we treat others the way we would wish or expect to be treated in the West. The Western nations are where everyone wants to live. No one leaves a Western country to live in an ethical, or in other words, under a communist system of government.
This written law of the New Covenant is the lawful basis of the Commonwealth and it is similar in non commonwealth Western countries. The West adopted universal law as a principle from which to regulate law making to create good laws that encourage and preserve human rights, which leads to good commerce and high productivity.
It is the only system of law that forbids slavery because it is juristic and therefore universal where ethical systems are not universal by definition. Christianity and universal law ended slavery in civilized countries. Very few Christians have ever been involved in slavery. Slavery is the business of those who follow statutory rule and ethical systems unregulated by the principle of universal law.
This universal law is the best antidote to the asshole problem, and it is essentially the single commandment of the New Testament. The Western tradition of law may soon be replaced by Noahide, an ethical form of law, written by Jews to govern non Jews. Under Noahide rule Jews and non Jews are governed by different laws. This should remind us the original definition of the asshole.
No one should want to be ruled by assholes, even if they think they are better connected to the assholes in power than everyone else, or even if they are one of the assholes themselves. Anything can change under an ethical system, as Alexander Solzhenitsyn explains in Gulag Archipelago.
The Protestant Kant explains that Christianity is the “best map of human consciousness” and Kant believed we had moral knowledge a-priori. That is, purely from reason itself prior to any experience. Experience shines a light in the mind to what is already there. The West will soon lose Christianity and common law rule simply because it's people have been dumbed down with public education and media by assholes to the point of not being able to understand it.
Statutory religions such as Judaism, Islam, Atheism and Feminism do not have this clear definition of evil which is why Christianity, by a very long shot, has been the most persecuted religion of history. Assholes in power do not like Christianity and the Christian yardstick for clearly identifying them.
Christianity and Western Jurisprudence remain the best cognitive tools from which to identify assholes, which is why they are both under attack by assholes in power and the asshole propagandists and the asshole public educators who serve these assholes of the second kind.
Thank you for listening, please share, like and comment or send questions and comments to Doug Plumb.
D o u g P l u m b 1 2 3 at gmail dot com. Also see my Youtube channel, Doug Plumb.
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