Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Greatest Threat

Introduction To The Treasonous International Bar Association

By Harsha Sankar
February 26, 2005

March 2003

All Americans need to be introduced to the Treasonous International Bar Association. In its role as a dual membership organisation, comprising 16,000 individual lawyers and 180 Bar Associations and Law Societies, the International Bar Association (IBA) influences the development of international law reform and shapes the future of the legal profession. Its Member Organisations cover all continents and include the American Bar Association, the German Federal Bar, the Japan Federation of Bar Associations, the Law Society of Zimbabwe and the Mexican Bar Association.

The IBA, based in London, states it works to promote, protect and enforce human rights under a just rule of law, and to preserve the independence of the judiciary and the legal profession worldwide. If one believes this, then he or she must also believe in non-democratic governance. If the law is left to any special elitist groups, then imperialism will result no matter how noble their stated intentions may be.

Americans currently live in a faceless, nameless, and decentralized bar associations kingship. Their dictatorship has derailed the rule of law and has rendered the People helpless. They have been lawyered to abject submission by this subtle yet sinister totalitarianism. Moreover, these unaccountable associations which desire to internationalize their aristocratic clutches are affiliated with the unelected International Bar Association. The IBA obviously does not need to respect The Bill Of Rights.

The IBA is the foulest form of the New World Order. Concerns about the Iluminati, the Bilderbergs, and The Council Of 300 need to be momentarily cast aside. This Association is actively seeking conquest of the entire world's legal system like thieves in the night and priests during the day. All three government branches and all its personnel must serve the People only. One cannot have two masters. One cannot cannot have a spouse and a whore and expect to receive credit as a good spouse. All Americans pledge their allegiance solely to this nation and its republic under God.

These conflicting loyalties of lawyers is the gravest threat yet to the liberty and security of all citizens. This collaboration is treacherous, traitorous, and wholly destructive of representative self-rule. This complicitity is still another a despicable crime, taken to the next level, against the Constitution and the People. The voices and genuine rights of the individual are one the verge of being drowned by this nexus. The three branches of government will soon no longer need the consent of Americans to operate. Please review for more information.

Bar is an acronym for British Accredited Registry or British Accredited Regency. A young M. Gandhi, an Indian subject of the British Empire, passed the Bar Exam in 1893 to become a Bar attorney and member. So a question that has to be asked is why American legal professionals belong to an organization with a foreign name. Another question which requires an answer is why lawyers are called esquires despite the Constitutional ban on Titles Of Nobility.

All laws should no longer be written exclusively by attorneys in "legalese".They should be written by non-judicial advocates in plain English.Also judges and prosecutors should be banned from belonging to organizations comprising only of judicial advocates due to obvious conflict of interest.


Doug Plumb said...

One thing this author missed is that the country is bankrupt therefore the banks are legally entitled to run the country. They do so through their BAR association.

Law is what happens in courts, law is what governs a country. Law can prevent people from being prosecuted for wrongdoing.

Doug Plumb said...

Another thing he missed is that all courts are merchant courts. None are the common law courts that we see on TV. They all exist to attourn your rights, not for justice.

Common law died with the bankruptcy and we are all (almost all) tricked and intimidated into servitude on a voluntary basis.


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Author of "Power Outage", available on Smashwords. I am a 50 year old free market libertarian who has had the time to read and consider the nature of globalism and the big machine that is surrounding us. I have participated in politics by running at the Fed level and debated Agenda 21 and 9-11 truth in front of large audiences. My background is in engineering and software creation. My business has provided me with significant time and freedom to learn the truth about the world around us. My goal is to expose Agenda 21 / Sustainable Development and Cultural Marxism.