Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Stand behind Iceland


Anonymous said...


Penny said...

I understand they are looking for some solidarity with the international community.

They have a webpage going, a petition, I was going to post it, but, didn't get around to it.

Doug Plumb said...

Do you have the link ? I spent a few minutes looking for it - couldn't find it.

Penny said...

Doug, I will see if I can find it and leave it here.

Penny said...

gonna pop up a post promoting it?

Doug Plumb said...

I will be writing something about this- I'm still thinking about what to say.


About Me

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Author of "Power Outage", available on Smashwords. I am a 50 year old free market libertarian who has had the time to read and consider the nature of globalism and the big machine that is surrounding us. I have participated in politics by running at the Fed level and debated Agenda 21 and 9-11 truth in front of large audiences. My background is in engineering and software creation. My business has provided me with significant time and freedom to learn the truth about the world around us. My goal is to expose Agenda 21 / Sustainable Development and Cultural Marxism.